STM publications
Interface versus Bulk Light-Induced Switching in Spin-Crossover Molecular Ultrathin Films Adsorbed on a Metallic Surface
M. Kelai, A. Tauzin, A. Railean, V. Repain, J. Lagoute, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, E. Otero, T. Mallah, M.-L. Boillot, C. Enachescu, and A. Bellec
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 14, 1949 (2023)
Formation of Monolayer Charge Density Waves and Anomalous Edge Doping in Na Doped Bulk VSe2
U. Chazarin, M. Lezoualc’h, J.-P. Chou, W. W. Pai, A. Karn, R. Sankar, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, V. Repain, A. Bellec, S. Rousset, A. Smogunov, Y. J. Dappe, and J. Lagoute
Advanced Materials Interfaces 10, 202201680 (2023)
Mechanoelastic simulations of monolayer lattices of spin crossover molecules on a substrate
A. Railean, M. Kelai, A. Bellec, V. Repain, M.-L. Boillot, T. Mallah, L. Stoleriu, and C. Enachescu
Physical Review B 107, 014304 (2023)
Growth and local electronic properties of Cobalt nanodots underneath graphene on SiC(0001)
Y. Girard, S. Benbouabdellah, O. Chahib, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, V. Repain, J. Lagoute, Y. J. Dappe, C. González, W.B. Su
Carbon 208, 22 (2023)
Formation of Monolayer Charge Density Waves and Anomalous Edge Doping in Na Doped Bulk VSe 2
Chazarin, U., Lezoualc’h, M,, Chou, J.-P., Pai, W. W., Karn, A., Sankar, R, Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Rousset, S., Smogunov, A., Dappe, Y. J., Lagoute, J.
Advanced Materials Interfaces 10, 2201680 (2022)
Combined surface x-ray diffraction and density functional theory study of the germanene/Al(111)-(root 7 x root 7)R19.1 degrees structure
Zhang, K., Hanf, M. C., Sciacca, D., Bernard, R., Borensztein, Y., Resta, A., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Lefebvre, I., Derivaz, M., Pirri, C., Sonnet, P., Stephan, R., & Prevot, G.
Physical Review B 106, 045412 (2022)
Higher-indexed Moire patterns and surface states of MoTe2/graphene heterostructure grown by molecular beam epitaxy
Pham, T. T., Vancso, P., Szendro, M., Palotas, K., Castelino, R., Bouatou, M., Chacon, C., Henrard, L., Lagoute, J., & Sporken, R.
NPJ 2D Materials and Applications 6, 48 (2022)
Negative Differential Resistance in Spin-Crossover Molecular Devices
Li, D., Tong, Y., Bairagi, K., Kelai, M., Dappe, Y. J., Lagoute, J., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Repain, V., Barreteau, C., Brandbyge, M., Smogunov, A., & Bellec, A.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13, 7514 (2022)
Effect of bonding and antibonding character of electronic states on their tunneling spectra
Lahrache, O., Bouatou, M., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Dappe, Y. J., Lagoute, J., & Smogunov, A.
Physical Review B 105, 125420 (2022)
Unique orientation of 1D and 2D nanoparticle assemblies confined in smectic topological defects
Jeridi, H., Niyonzima, J. de D., Sakr, C., Missaoui, A., Shahini, S., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Goubet, N., Royer, S., Vickridge, I., Goldmann, M., Constantin, D., Garreau, Y., Babonneau, D., Croset, B., Gallas, B., Lhuillier, E., & Lacaze, E.
Soft Matter 18, 4792 (2022)
Combined atomistic simulations to explore metastability and substrate effects in Ag-Co nanoalloy systems
Hizi, A., Forster, G. D., Ferrando, R., Garreau, Y., Coati, A., Andreazza-Vignolle, C., & Andreazza, P.
Faraday Discussions 242 (2022)
Identification and Manipulation of Defects in Black Phosphorus
Harsh, R., Mondal, S., Sharma, D., Bouatou, M., Chacon, C., Ilyn, M., Rogero, C., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Sankar, R., Pai, W. W., Narasimhan, S., & Lagoute, J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 13, 6276 (2022)
Denoising scanning tunneling microscopy images of graphene with supervised machine learning
F. Joucken, J. L. Davenport, Z. Ge, E. A. Quezada-Lopez, T. Taniguchi, K. Watanabe, J. Velasco, Jr., J. Lagoute, and R. A. Kaindl
Physical Review Materials 6, 123802 (2022)
Visualizing In-Plane Junctions in Nitrogen-Doped Graphene
Bouatou, M., Chacon, C., Lorentzen, A. B., Ngo, H. T., Girard, Y., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Rousset, S., Brandbyge, M., Dappe, Y. J., & Lagoute, J.
Advanced Functional Materials 32, 2208048 (2022)
Structure of Germanene/Al(111): A Two-Layer Surface Alloy
Zhang, K., Sciacca, D., Hanf, M.-C., Bernard, R., Borensztein, Y., Resta, A., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Lefebvre, I., Derivaz, M., Pirri, C., Sonnet, P., Stephan, R., & Prevot, G.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 24702 (2021)
Spatial correlation of embedded nanowires probed by X-ray off-Bragg scattering of the host matrix
Tran, T., Weng, X., Hennes, M., Demaille, D., Coati, A., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Sauvage-Simkin, M., Sacchi, M., Vidal, F., & Zheng, Y.
Journal of Applied Crystallography 54, 1173 (2021)
Voltage-Induced Bistability of Single Spin-Crossover Molecules in a Two-Dimensional Monolayer
Tong, Y., Kelai, M., Bairagi, K., Repain, V., Lagoute, J., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Boillot, M.-L., Mallah, T., Enachescu, C., & Bellec, A.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 11029 (2021)
Magnetic properties of devicelike cobalt/2D materials interfaces
Rastikian, J., Suffit, S., Barraud, C., Bellec, A., Repain, V., Roussigne, Y., Belmeguenai, M., Farhat, S., Le Laurent, L., Barreteau, C., & Cherif, S. M.
Journal of Physical Review Materials 5, 014004 (2021)
Thermal Bistability of an Ultrathin Film of Iron(II) Spin-Crossover Molecules Directly Adsorbed on a Metal Surface
Kelai, M., Repain, V., Tauzin, A., Li, W., Girard, Y., Lagoute, J., Rousset, S., Otero, E., Sainctavit, P., Arrio, M.-A., Boillot, M.-L., Mallah, T., Enachescu, C., & Bellec, A.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 12, 6152 (2021)
Robust magnetic anisotropy of a monolayer of hexacoordinate Fe(ii) complexes assembled on Cu(111)
Kelai, M., Cahier, B., Atanasov, M., Neese, F., Tong, Y., Zhang, L., Bellec, A., Iasco, O., Riviere, E., Guillot, R., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Lagoute, J., Rousset, S., Repain, V., Otero, E., Arrio, M.-A., Sainctavit, P., Barra, A.-L., and Mallah, T.
Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers 8, 2395 (2021)
Synthesis and Properties of Nanostructured Tungsten Oxide on Au(111)
Harsh, R., Ben Youssef, M., Chacon, C., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Piquemal, J.-Y., Seydou, M., Decorse, P., Lang, P., & Lagoute, J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 660 (2021)
Evidence of a C-60/Co interface reconstruction and its influence on magnetic properties
Fourmental, C., Le Laurent, L., Repain, V., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Lagoute, J., Rousset, S., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Resta, A., Vlad, A., Barreteau, C., Smogunov, A., Li, D., & Bellec, A.
Physical Review B 104, 235413 (2021)
Black Phosphorus for Directed Molecular Assembly with Weak Electronic Coupling
Bouatou, M., Harsh, R., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Rousset, S., Smogunov, A., Dappe, Y. J., & Lagoute, J.
Advanced Material Interfaces 8 (2021)
From metastability to equilibrium during the sequential growth of Co-Ag supported clusters: a real-time investigation
Andreazza, P., Lemoine, A., Coati, A., Nelli, D., Ferrando, R., Garreau, Y., Creuze, J., & Andreazza-Vignolle, C.
Nanoscale 13, 6096 (2021)
Anomalous Light-Induced Spin-State Switching for Iron(II) Spin-Crossover Molecules in Direct Contact with Metal Surfaces
Zhang, L., Tong, Y., Kelai, M., Bellec, A., Lagoute, J., Chacon, C., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Boillot, M.-L., Riviere, E., Mallah, T., Otero, E., Arrio, M.-A., Sainctavit, P., & Repain, V.
Angewandte Chemie International Edition 59, 13341 (2020)
Localized surface plasmon resonance of Au/TiO2(110): substrate and size influence from in situ optical and structural investigation
Soldo-Olivier, Y., Abisset, A., Bailly, A., De Santis, M., Garaudee, S., Lacipiere, J., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., & Saint-Lager, M. C.
Nanoscale Advances 2, 2448 (2020)
Ammonia Oxidation over a Pt25Rh75(001) Model Catalyst Surface: An Operando Study
Resta, A., Hejral, U., Blomberg, S., Albertin, S., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Chatelier, C., Venturini, F., Ferrer, P., Held, G., Grinter, D., Lundgren, E., & Coati, A.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 22192 (2020)
Vasarely painting at the nanoscale on sapphire crystals
Matringe, C., Thune, E., Cavalotti, R., Fakih, A., Arnaud, S., Blanc, N., Boudet, N., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Babonneau, D., & Guinebretiere, R.
Nano Research 13, 2512 (2020)
Nanoscale Mapping of Photo-Induced Charge Carriers Generated at Interfaces of a Donor/Acceptor 2D-Assembly by Light-Assisted-Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
Lombana, A., Battaglini, N., Zrig, S., Lagoute, J., Chevillot-Biraud, A., & Lang, P.
Advanced Materials Interfaces 7 (2020)
Continuous scanning for Bragg coherent X-ray imaging
Li, N., Dupraz, M., Wu, L., Leake, S. J., Resta, A., Carnis, J., Labat, S., Almog, E., Rabkin, E., Favre-Nicolin, V., Picca, F.-E., Berenguer, F., van de Poll, R., Hofmann, J. P., Vlad, A., Thomas, O., Garreau, Y., Coati, A., & Richard, M.-I.
Scientific Reports 10 (2020)
Interactions Between Topological Defects and Nanoparticles
Do, S.-P., Missaoui, A., Coati, A., Resta, A., Goubet, N., Royer, S., Guida, G., Briand, E., Lhuillier, E., Garreau, Y., Babonneau, D., Goldmann, M., Constantin, D., Croset, B., Gallas, B., & Lacaze, E.
Frontiers in Physics 7 (2020)
From Chains to Monolayers: Nanoparticle Assembly Driven by Smectic Topological Defects
Do, S.-P., Missaoui, A., Coati, A., Coursault, D., Jeridi, H., Resta, A., Goubet, N., Wojcik, M. M., Choux, A., Royer, S., Briand, E., Donnio, B., Gallani, J. L., Pansu, B., Lhuillier, E., Garreau, Y., Babonneau, D., Goldmann, M., Constantin, D., … Lacaze, E.
Nano Letters 20, 1598 (2020)
Surface mobility and impact of precursor dosing during atomic layer deposition of platinum: in situ monitoring of nucleation and island growth
Dendooven, J., Van Daele, M., Solano, E., Ramachandran, R. K., Minjauw, M. M., Resta, A., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Coati, A., Portale, G., and Detavernier, C.
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22, 24917 (2020)
Pseudo-2-Fold Surface of the Al13Co4 Catalyst: Structure, Stability, and Hydrogen Adsorption
Chatelier, C., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A., Ledieu, J., Resta, A., Fournee, V., De Weerd, M.-C., Coati, A., & Gaudry, E.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 12, 39787 (2020)
From the Surface Structure to Catalytic Properties of Al5Co2(2(1)over-bar0): A Study Combining Experimental and Theoretical Approaches
Chatelier, C., Garreau, Y., Piccolo, L., Vlad, A., Resta, A., Ledieu, J., Fournee, V., de Weerd, M.-C., Picca, F.-E., de Boissieu, M., Felici, R., Coati, A., and Gaudry, E.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 4552 (2020)
Direct Observation of the Reduction of a Molecule on Nitrogen Pairs in Doped Graphene
Bouatou, M., Mondal, S., Chacon, C., Joucken, F., Girard, Y., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Rousset, S., Narasimhan, S., Sporken, R., Dappe, Y. J., & Lagoute, J.
Nano Letters 20, 6908 (2020)
Intraconfigurational Transition due to Surface-Induced Symmetry Breaking in Noncovalently Bonded Molecules
Bouatou, M., Harsh, R., Joucken, F., Chacon, C., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Girard, Y., Rousset, S., Sporken, R., Gao, F., Brandbyge, M., Dappe, Y. J., Barreteau, C., Smogunov, A., and Lagoute, J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 11, 9329 (2020)
Control of Dipolar Switches on Graphene by a Local Electric Field
Bouatou, M., Chacon, C., Joucken, F., Girard, Y., Repain, V., Bellec, A., Rousset, S., Sporken, R., Gonzalez, C., Dappe, Y. J., & Lagoute, J.
Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124, 15639 (2020)
High density synthesis of topological point defects in graphene on 6H-SiC(0001)
Berrahal, Q., Chacon, C., Amara, H., Bellec, A., Latil, S., Repain, V., Rousset, S., Lagoute, J., and Girard, Y.
Carbon 170, 174 (2020)
Electronic properties of chemically doped graphene
F. Joucken, L. Henrard, and J. Lagoute
Physical Review Materials 3, 110301 (2019)
Controlling Hydrogen-Transfer Rate in Molecules on Graphene by Tunable Molecular Orbital Levels
R. Harsh, F. Joucken, C. Chacon, V. Repain, Y. Girard, A. Bellec, S. Rousset, R. Sporken, A. Smogunov, Y. J. Dappe, and J. Lagoute
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 6897 (2019)
Deep metallic interdiffusion in a model ferromagnetic/molecular system
C. Fourmental, A. Bellec, V. Repain, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, Y. J. Dappe, A. Vlad, A. Resta, Y. Garreau, and A. Coati
Physical Review Materials 3, 083603 (2019)
Importance of Epitaxial Strain at a Spin-Crossover Molecule–Metal Interface
C. Fourmental, S. Mondal, R. Banerjee, A. Bellec, Y. Garreau, A. Coati, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, J. Lagoute, S. Rousset, M-L. Boillot, T. Mallah, C. Enachescu, C. Barreteau, Y. J. Dappe, A. Smogunov, S. Narasimhan, and V. Repain
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 10, 4103 (2019)
Interfacial Silicide Formation and Stress Evolution during Sputter Deposition of Ultrathin Pd Layers on a-Si
Krause, B., Abadias, G., Furgeaud, C., Michel, A., Resta, A., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Vlad, A., Hauschild, D., & Baumbach, T.
ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 11, 39315 (2019)
Chemical and Structural Configuration of Pt-Doped Metal Oxide Thin Films Prepared by Atomic Layer Deposition
Ramachandran, R. K., Filez, M., Solano, E., Poelman, H., Minjauw, M. M., Van Daele, M., Feng, J.-Y., La Porta, A., Altantzis, T., Fonda, E., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Bals, S., Marin, G. B., Detavernier, C., & Dendooven, J.
Chemistry of Materials 31, 9673 (2019)
Gas-induced selective re-orientation of Au–Cu nanoparticles on TiO2 (110)
A. Wilson, A. Bailly, R. Bernard, Y. Borensztein, A. Coati, B. Croset, H. Cruguel, A. Naitabdi, M. Silly, M-C. Saint-Lager, A. Vlad, N. Witkowski, Y. Garreau, and Geoffroy Prevot
Nanoscale 3, 5 (2019)
Selective control of molecule charge state on graphene using tip-induced electric field and nitrogen doping
V. D. Pham, S. Ghosh, F. Joucken, M. Pelaez-Fernandez, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, R. Sporken, S. Rousset, Y. J. Dappe, S. Narasimhan, and J. Lagoute
npj 2D Materials and Applications 3, 5 (2019)
Ultrathin Ni nanowires embedded in SrTiO3 : Vertical epitaxy, strain relaxation mechanisms, and solid-state amorphization
X. Weng, M. Hennes, A. Coati, A. Vlad, Y. Garreau, M. Sauvage-Simkin, E. Fonda, G. Patriarche, D. Demaille, F. Vidal, and Y. Zheng
Physical Review Materials 2, 106003 (2018)
In Situ Investigation of the Early-Stage Growth of Nanoporous Alumina
T. Gorisse, L. Dupré, M. Zelsmann, A. Vlad, A. Coati, Y. Garreau, and D. Buttard
Journal of Nanomaterials, 6428271 (2018)
Experimental and theoretical investigations of magnetic anisotropy and magnetic hardening at molecule/ferromagnet interfaces
K. Bairagi, A. Bellec, V. Repain, C. Fourmental, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, J. Lagoute, S. Rousset, L. Le Laurent, A. Smogunov, and C. Barreteau
Physical Review B 98, 85432 (2018)
Molecular electronics : Scanning tunneling microscopy and single-molecule devices
A. Bellec, J. Lagoute, and V. Repain
Comptes Rendus Chimie 21, 1287 (2018)
Temperature-, Light-, and Soft X-ray-Induced Spin Crossover in a Single Layer of FeII-Pyrazolylborate Molecules in Direct Contact with Gold
K. Bairagi, A. Bellec, C. Fourmental, O. Iasco, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, F. Choueikani, E. Otero, P. Ohresser, P. Sainctavit, M.-L. Boillot, T. Mallah, and V. Repain
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 727 (2018)
Correction to Temperature-, Light-, and Soft X-ray-Induced Spin Crossover in a Single Layer of FeII-Pyrazolylborate Molecules in Direct Contact with Gold
K. Bairagi, A. Bellec, C. Fourmental, Y. Tong, O. Iasco, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, F. Choueikani, E. Otero, P. Ohresser, P. Sainctavit, M.-L. Boillot, T. Mallah, and V. Repain
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122, 29080 (2018)
The disentangling of hysteretic spin transition, polymorphism and metastability in bistable thin films formed by sublimation of bis(scorpionate) Fe(II) molecules
O. Iasco, M.-L. Boillot, A. Bellec, R. Guillot, E. Rivière, S. Mazerat, S. Nowak, D. Morineau, A. Brosseau, F. Miserque, V. Repain, and T. Mallah
The Journal of Materials Chemistry C 5, 11067 (2017)
Tuning the Electronic and Dynamical Properties of a Molecule by Atom Trapping Chemistry
V. D. Pham, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, E. Abad, Y. J. Dappe, A. Smogunov, and J. Lagoute
ACS Nano 11, 10742 (2017)
Multilayer silicene : clear evidence of Ag-terminated bulk silicon
A. Curcella, R. Bernard, Y. Borensztein, M. Lazzeri, A. Resta, Y. Garreau, and G. Prévot
2D Materials 4, 025067 (2017)
Structure and evolution of semiconducting buffer graphene grown on SiC(0001)
M. Conrad, J. Rault, Y. Utsumi, Y. Garreau, A. Vlad, A. Coati, J.-P. Rueff, P. F. Miceli, and E. H. Conrad
Physical Review B 96, 95304 (2017)
Properties of Functionalized Carbon Nanotubes and Their Interaction with a Metallic Substrate Investigated by Scanning Tunneling Microscopy
V. D. Pham, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, S. Campidelli, J-S. Lauret, C. Voisin, M. Terrones, M. Cristina dos Santos, and J. Lagoute
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 24264 (2017)
Ag on a Ni vicinal surface : Coupling Stranski-Krastanov and “magic” heteroepitaxial growth
A. Bellec, Y. Garreau, J. Creuze, A. Vlad, F. Picca, M. Sauvage-Simkin and A. Coati
Physical Review B 96, 085414 (2017)
Wide band gap semiconductor from a hidden 2D incommensurate graphene phase
M. Conrad, F. Wang, M. Nevius, K. Jinkins, A. Celis, M.N. Nair, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, A. Tejeda, Y. Garreau, A. Vlad, A. Coati, P.F. Miceli and E.H. Conrad
Nano Letters 17, 341 (2017)
Incoherent Ag islands growth on Ni(100)
J.B. Marie, I. Braems, A. Bellec, C. Chacon, J. Creuze, Y. Girard, S. Gueddani, J. Lagoute, V. Repain and S. Rousset
Surface Science 656, 101 (2017)
Order-disorder phase transition in Au2Fe on Ru(0001)
J.-B. Marie, A. Bellec, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, J. Lagoute, V. Repain, S. Rousset, Y. Garreau and A. Coati
Physical Review B 94, 235440 (2016)
Real-time control of the beam attenuation with XPAD hybrid pixel detector
A. Dawiec, Y. Garreau, J. Bisou, S. Hustache, B. Kanouté, F. Picca, G. Renaud, G. and A. Coati
Journal of Instrumentation 11, P12018 (2016)
Synthesis of graphene by cobalt-catalyzed decomposition of methane in plasma-enhanced CVD : Optimization of experimental parameters with Taguchi method
H.-A. Mehedi, B. Baudrillart, D. Alloyeau, O. Mouhoub, C. Ricolleau, V. D. Pham, C. Chacon, A. Gicquel, J. Lagoute and S. Farhat
Journal of Applied Physics 120, 065304 (2016)
Mobile setup for synchrotron based in situ characterization during thermal and plasma-enhanced atomic layer deposition
J. Dendooven, E. Solano, M.M. Minjauw, K. Van de Kerckhove, A. Coati, E. Fonda, G. Portale, Y. Garreau and C. Detavernier
Review of Scientific Instruments 87, 113905 (2016)
Molecular-scale dynamics of light-induced spin cross-over in a two-dimensional layer
K. Bairagi, O. Iasco, A. Bellec, A. Kartsev, D. Li, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, F. Miserque, Y. J. Dappe, A. Smogunov, C. Barreteau, M-L. Boillot, T. Mallah and V. Repain
Nature Communications 7, 12212 (2016)
Symmetry-selected spin-split hybrid states in C60/ferromagnetic interfaces
D. Li, C. Barreteau, S. L. Kawahara, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, V. Repain and A. Smogunov
Physical Review B 93, 085425 (2016)
Influence of the Humidity on Nanoparticle-Based Resistive Strain Gauges
L. Digianantonio, M. Gauvin, T. Alnasser, D. Babonneau, B. Viallet, J. Grisolia, G. Viau, A. Coati, Y. Garreau and L Ressier
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 120, 5848 (2016)
Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetization Reversal in Self-Organized Two-Dimensional Nanomagnets
V. Repain
in Magnetic Structures of 2D and 3D Nanoparticles : Properties and Applications, Pan Stanford Publishing, ed. J.C. Levy (2016)
Control of Molecule–Metal Interaction by Hydrogen Manipulation in an Organic Molecule
V. D. Pham, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, A. Smogunov, Y. J. Dappe and J. Lagoute
The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, 7, 1416 (2016)
Evidencing the need for high spatial resolution in angle-resolved photoemission experiments
F. Joucken, N. Reckinger, S. Lorcy, J. Avila, C. Chen, J. Lagoute, J.-F. Colomer, J. Ghijsen, M. C. Asensio, and R. Sporken
Physical Review B 93, 241101 (R) (2016)
Molecular adsorbates as probes of the local properties of doped graphene
V. D. Pham, F. Joucken, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, R. Sporken, M. C. dos Santos and J. Lagoute
Scientific Reports 6, 24796 (2016)
Elastic cost of silicon step rebonding
Leroy, F., Garreau, Y., Cheynis, F., Croset, B., Coati, A., Müller, P. and Prévot, G
Physical Review B 93, 45416 (2016)
Self-organized arrays of dislocations in thin smectic liquid crystal films
Coursault, D., Zappone, B., Coati, A., Boulaoued, A., Pelliser, L., Limagne, D., Boudet, N., Haj Ibrahim, B., de Martino, A., Alba, M., Goldmann, M., Garreau, Y., Gallas, B. and Lacaze, E.
Soft Matter 12, 678 (2016)
Charge transfer and electronic doping in nitrogen-doped graphene
F. Joucken, Y. Tison, P. Le Fèvre, A. Tejeda, A. Taleb-Ibrahimi, E. Conrad, V. Repain, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, J. Ghijsen, R. Sporken, H. Amara, F. Ducastelle, and J. Lagoute
Scientific Reports 5, 14564 (2015)
Tuning the Magnetic Anisotropy at a Molecule-Metal Interface
K. Bairagi, A. Bellec, V. Repain, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, Y. Garreau, J. Lagoute, S. Rousset, R. Breitwieser, Yu-Cheng Hu, Yen Cheng Chao, Woei Wu Pai, D. Li, A. Smogunov, and C. Barreteau
Physical Review Letters 114, 247203 (2015)
Change of cobalt magnetic anisotropy and spin polarization with alkanethiolates self-assembled monolayers
P. Campiglio, R. Breitwieser, V. Repain, S. Guitteny, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, J. Lagoute, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, A. Sassella, M. Imam, and S. Narasimhan
New Journal of Physics 17, 063022 (2015)
STM study of C60F18 high dipole moment molecules on Au(111)
K. Bairagi, A. Bellec, R.G. Chumakov, K.A. Menshikov, J. Lagoute, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, V. Repain, A.M. Lebedev, L.P. Sukhanov, N.Yu. Svechnikov, and V.G. Stankevich
Surface Science 641, 248 (2015)
Giant tunnel-electron injection in nitrogen-doped graphene
J. Lagoute, F. Joucken, V. Repain, Y. Tison, C. Chacon, A. Bellec, Y. Girard, R. Sporken, E. H. Conrad, F. Ducastelle, M. Palsgaard, N. P. Andersen, M. Brandbyge, and S. Rousset
Physical Review B 91, 125442 (2015)
C60 as an Atom Trap to Capture Co Adatoms
P. Yang, D. Li, V. Repain, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, A. Smogunov, Y. J. Dappe, C. Barreteau, and J. Lagoute
The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119, 6873 (2015)
Electronic Interaction between Nitrogen Atoms in Doped Graphene
Y. Tison, J. Lagoute, V. Repain, C. Chacon, Y. Girard, S. Rousset, F. Joucken, D. Sharma, L. Henrard, H. Amara, A. Ghedjatti, and F. Ducastelle
ACS Nano 9, 670 (2015)
Tailoring Anisotropic Interactions Between Soft Nanospheres Using Dense Arrays of Smectic Liquid Crystal Edge Dislocations
Coursault, D., Blach, J. F., Grand, J., Coati, A., Vlad, A., Zappone, B., Babonneau, D., Levi, G., Felidj, N., Donnio, B., Gallani, J. L., Alba, M., Garreau, Y., Borensztein, Y., Goldmann, M. and Lacaze, E.
ACS Nano 9, 11678 (2015)
Self-organized ultrathin FePt nanowires produced by glancing-angle ion-beam codeposition on rippled alumina surfaces
Garel, M., Babonneau, D., Boulle, A., Pailloux, F., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Ramos, A. Y. and Tolentino, H. C. N.
Nanoscale 7, 1437 (2015)
Enhanced magnetization at the Cr/MgO(001) interface
Leroy, M. A., Bataille, A. M., Wang, Q., Fitzsimmons, M. R., Bertran, F., Le Fevre, P., Taleb-Ibrahimi, A., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Garreau, Y., Hauet, T., Gatel, C., Ott, F. and Andrieu, S.
Applied Physics Letters 107, 251602 (2015)
Fermi surface symmetry and evolution of the electronic structure across the paramagnetic-helimagnetic transition in MnSi/Si(111)
Nicolaou, A., Gatti, M., Magnano, E., Le Fèvre, P., Bondino, F., Bertran, F., Tejeda, A., Sauvage-Simkin, M., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Coati, A., Guérin, N., Parmigiani, F. and Taleb-Ibrahimi, A.
Physical Review B Rapid Communication 92, 81110 (2015)
Huge metastable axial strain in ultrathin heteroepitaxial vertically aligned nanowires
Schuler, V., Bonilla, F. J., Demaille, D., Coati, A., Vlad, A., Garreau, Y., Sauvage-Simkin, M., Novikova, A., Fonda, E., Hidki, S., Etgens, V. H., Vidal, F. and Zheng, Y.
Nano Research 8, 1964 (2015)
Critical Au Concentration for the Stabilization of Au-Cu Nanoparticles on Rutile against Dissociation under Oxygen
Wilson, A., Bernard, R., Borensztein, Y., Croset, B., Cruguel, H., Vlad, A., Coati, A., Garreau, Y. and Prévot, G.
Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 6, 2050 (2015)
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