Several of our researchers are participating in the Pint of Science festival, which is celebrating its 10th anniversary this year. It is one of the largest science festivals in the world. Until May 24th, researchers and the general public come together over a drink in 26 countries and 400 cities, including 50 cities in France.

Alain Sacuto

Alain Sacuto was a guest on the CQFD program on France Culture to talk about superconductivity.

The podcast can be found here and a short video here

Our laboratory was also well represented for direct interactions with the general public this week at Le Corvisart bar (43 bd Blanqui, 75013). Alain Sacuto took the stage on Tuesday evening, followed by Amandine Bellec, Sarah Houver, and Clément Barraud on Wednesday evening for three-person presentations.

Amandine Bellec

Sarah Houver

Also, don’t miss the talk by Pérola Milman discussing quantum internet on CQFD.

Have a great week at Pint of Science!

Also worth reading

On-chip generation of spatial entanglement

On-chip generation of spatial entanglement

The QITE team just published in Phys. Rev. Lett. its work on the generation of spatial entanglement in nonlinear waveguide arrays, in collaboration with C2N and INPHYNI. Combining the generation and manipulation of complex quantum states of light on a single chip is a...

An hybrid III-V / Silicon source of photon pairs

An hybrid III-V / Silicon source of photon pairs

The QITE team of MPQ lab, in collaboration with C2N lab, INPHYNI and STMicroelectronics, has just published its work on the development of integrated hybrid sources of entangled photons in PRX Quantum. Combining the generation and manipulation of quantum states of...