Life-cycle of nanomaterials in biological and natural media
In spite of the exponential boom of the industrial and biomedical applications of inorganic nanomaterials, their impact on health is still poorly known, on account of the lack of methods for assessing at relevant scales the interactions between synthetic and living species in complex biological environments. Through close collaboration with the group of Florence Gazeau from the Laboratory Matière et systems complexes (Paris-Cité university), we have developed original nanometrological methods to study the relation between the structure and the life-cycle of nanomaterials in the organism. Based upon our know-how in materials science, our multi-scale approach combines global magnetic and elementary analyses to quantify the biodistribution and transformation of nanomaterials at the tissue level (macro-scale) and the multi-functionalities of electron microscopy to reveal the biodegradation and recycling processes at atomic level. To provide a deeper understanding of the biotransformation processes, these multi-scales analyses are performed in biological media of different complexity, including: (i) model solution mimicking cellular environment, (ii) cell cultures (in vitro) and (iii) directly into mice (ex vivo analyses on extracted tissues). Beside conventional TEM analyses, the MeANS group has also developed in situ TEM methods to follow the behavior of nanomaterials directly in model solutions and in cell cultures. This methodology has been applied to promising nanomaterials for biomedical applications, including magnetic (Fe and Co nano-oxides), plasmonic (gold) and graphitic (nanotubes) nanostructures and even 2D materials (Graphene, MoS2…). These interdisciplinary researches are of primary importance for both material scientists interested in the modifications of nanostructures that affect, more or less quickly, their properties in vivo and biologists anxious to evaluate the effects and potential risk of nanomaterials for human health.
In addition, our expertise in liquid TEM, and in particular the ability to image interactions between inorganic and biological materials at sub-nanometric scales, has opened up new synergies aimed at understanding the mechanisms of manganese bio-mineralization in bacterial biofilms and, more generally, the life cycle of metals in natural environments (ANR MAMBA in collaboration with IPGP).
Haut gauche : Nanoparticules d’oxide de fer au sein d’un lysosome intracellulaire issu de la rate d’une souris. Haut droite : Vésicules extracellulaires décorées de nanoparticules d’or observé directement dans un milieu de culture cellulaire. Bas : Dégradation oxydative d’un nanotube de carbone encapsulant des nanoparticules de fer.
Projets :
CNRS Defi Nano NanoMetroBio (2013 – 2015)
ANR CyCLYS (2019 – 2021)
ANR MAMBA (2021-2024)
Principales publications :
Alice Balfourier, Nathalie Luciani, Guillaume Wang, Gerald Lelong, Ovidiu Ersen, Abdelali Khelfa, Damien Alloyeau, Florence Gazeau and Florent Carn
PNAS 2019 (2021)
In situ monitoring of exopolymer-dependent Mn mineralization on bacterial surfaces
Thaïs Couasnon, Damien Alloyeau, Bénédicte Ménez, François Guyot, Jean-Marc Ghigo, Alexandre Gélabert
Science Advances 6, 27, eaaz3125 (2020)
Degradation of ZnGa2O4:Cr3+ luminescent nanoparticles in lysosomal-like medium
Thomas Lécuyer, Marc-Antoine Durand, Jeanne Volatron,Morgane Desmau, René Lai-Kuen, Yohann Corvis, JohanneSeguin, Guillaume Wang, Damien Alloyeau, Daniel Scherman, Nathalie Mignet, Florence Gazeau, Cyrille Richard
Nanoscale (2019)
Monitoring the dynamics of cell-derived extracellular vesicles at the nanoscale by liquid-cell transmission electron microscopy
M. Piffoux, N. Ahmad, J. Nelayah, C. Wilhelm A. Silva, F. Gazeau, D. Alloyeau_ Nanoscale 10, 1234 – 1244 (2018)
Physiological Remediation of Cobalt Ferrite Nanoparticles by Ferritin
J. Volatron, J. Kolosnjaj-Tabi, Y. Javed, Q. L. Vuong, Y. Gossuin, S. Neveu, N. Luciani, M. Hémadi, F. Carn, D. Alloyeau, F. Gazeau
Scientific Reports 7, 40075 (2017)
Ferritin Protein Regulates the Degradation of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles
J. Volatron, F. Carn, J. Kolosnjaj‐Tabi, Y. Javed, Q. L. Vuong, Y. Gossuin, C. Ménager, N. Luciani, G. Charron, M. Hémadi, D. Alloyeau, F. Gazeau
Small 13, 1602030 (2017)
In Vivo Degeneration and the Fate of Inorganic Nanoparticles
N. Feliu, D. Docter, M. Heine, P. del Pino, S. Ashraf, J. Kolosnjaj-Tabi, P. Macchiarini, P. Nielsen, D. Alloyeau, F. Gazeau, Roland H. Stauber and Wolfgang J. Parak
Chemical Society Reviews 45, 2440-2457 (2016)
Biotransformations of Magnetic Nanoparticles in the Body
J. Kolosnjaj-Tabi, L. Lartigue, Y. Javed, N. Luciani, T. Pellegrino, C. Wilhelm, D. Alloyeau, F. Gazeau
Nano Today 11, 280-284 (2016)
Carbon Nanotube Degradation in Macrophages : Live Nanoscale Monitoring and Understanding of Biological Pathway
Dan Elgrabli, Walid Dachraoui, Cécilia Ménard-Moyon, Xiao Jie Liu, Dominique Bégin, Sylvie Bégin-Colin, Alberto Bianco, Florence Gazeau, and Damien Alloyeau_ ACS Nano, DOI : 10.1021/acsnano.5b03708
Anthropogenic Carbon Nanotubes Found in the Airways of Parisian Children
Jelena Kolosnjaj-Tabi, Jocelyne Just, Keith B. Hartman, Yacine Laoudi, Sabah Boudjemaa, Damien Alloyeau, Henri Szwarc, Lon J. Wilson, Fathi Moussa
Ebiomedicine, doi:10.1016/j.ebiom.2015.10.012
The One Year Fate of Iron Oxide Coated Gold Nanoparticles in Mice
Jelena Kolosnjaj-Tabi, Yasir Javed, Lénaic Lartigue, Jeanne Volatron, Dan Elgrabli, Iris Marangon, Giammarino Pugliese, Benoit Caron, Albert Figuerola, Nathalie Luciani, Teresa Pellegrino, Damien Alloyeau, and Florence Gazeau
ACS Nano, 9, 7925
Biodegradation Mechanisms of Iron Oxide Monocrystalline Nanoflowers and Tunable Shield Effect of Gold Coating
Yasir Javed, Lénaic Lartigue, Pierre Hugounenq, Quoc Lam Vuong, Yves Gossuin, Rana Bazzi, Claire Wilhelm, Christian Ricolleau, Florence Gazeau, Damien Alloyeau
Biodegradation of iron oxide nanocubes : high-resolution in situ monitoring
Lénaic Lartigue, Damien Alloyeau, Jelena Kolosnjaj-Tabi, Yasir Javed, Pablo Guardia, Andreas Riedinger, Christine Pe´choux, Teresa Pellegrino, Claire Wilhelm, Florence Gazeau
ACS nano 7 (5), 3939-3952
Long term biotransformation of iron oxide nanoparticles in the organism
Michael Levy, Nathalie Luciani, Damien Alloyeau, Dan Elgrabli, Vanessa Deveaux, Christine Pechoux, Sophie Chat, Guillaume Wang, Nidhi Vats, François Gendron, Cécile Factor, Sophie Lotersztajn, Alain Luciani, Claire Wilhelm, Florence Gazeau
Biomaterials, 32, 3988 (2011)
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