

  1. Fabre, N., Amanti, M., Baboux, F., Keller, A., Ducci, S., & Milman, P. (2022). The Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment: from photon indistinguishability to continuous-variable quantum computing. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL D, 76(10).
  2. Fabre, Nicolas, Keller, A., & Milman, P. (2022). Time and frequency as quantum continuous variables. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 105(5).
  3. Keller, A., Khoury, A. Z., Fabre, N., Amanti, M., Baboux, F., Ducci, S., & Milman, P. (2022). Reconstructing the full modal structure of photonic states by stimulated-emission tomography in the low-gain regime. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 106().
  4. Fontaine, Q., Squizzato, D., Baboux, F., Amelio, I., Lemaitre, A., Morassi, M., Sagnes, I., Le Gratiet, L., Harouri, A., Wouters, M., Carusotto, I., Amo, A., Richard, M., Minguzzi, A., Canet, L., Ravets, S., & Bloch, J. (2022). Kardar-Parisi-Zhang universality in a one-dimensional polariton condensate. NATURE, 608(7924), 687+.
  5. Piccione, N., Felicetti, S., & Bellomo, B. (2022). Two-photon-interaction effects in the bad-cavity limit. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 105(1).
  6. Appas, F., Meskine, O., Lemaitre, A., Morassi, M., Baboux, F., Amanti, M., I., & Ducci, S. (2022). Nonlinear Quantum Photonics With AlGaAs Bragg-Reflection Waveguides. JOURNAL OF LIGHTWAVE TECHNOLOGY40(23), 7658–7667.


  1. Appas, F., Baboux, F., Amanti, M. I., Lemaitre, A., Boitier, F., Diamanti, E., & Ducci, S. (2021). Flexible entanglement-distribution network with an AlGaAs chip for secure communications. NPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION, 7(1).
  2. Francesconi, S., Raymond, A., Fabre, N., Lemaitre, A., Amanti, M., I., Milman, P., Baboux, F., & Ducci, S. (2021). Anyonic Two-Photon Statistics with a Semiconductor Chip. ACS PHOTONICS, 8(9), 2764–2769.
  3. Lim, Y. D., Li, H. Y., Zhao, P., Tao, J., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2021b). Design and Fabrication of Grating Couplers for the Optical Addressing of Trapped Ions. IEEE PHOTONICS JOURNAL, 13(4).
  4. Peugeot, A., Menard, G., Dambach, S., Westig, M., Kubala, B., Mukharsky, Y., Altimiras, C., Joyez, P., Vion, D., Roche, P., Esteve, D., Milman, P., Leppaekangas, J., Johansson, G., Hofheinz, M., Ankerhold, J., & Portier, F. (2021). Generating Two Continuous Entangled Microwave Beams Using a dc-Biased Josephson Junction. PHYSICAL REVIEW X, 11(3).
  5. Tao, J., Likforman, J.-P., Zhao, P., Li, H. Y., Henner, T., Lim, Y. D., Seit, W. W., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2021). Large-Scale Fabrication of Surface Ion Traps on a 300 mm Glass Wafer. PHYSICA STATUS SOLIDI B-BASIC SOLID STATE PHYSICS, 258(7).
  6. Zhao, P., Li, H. Y., Tao, J., Likforman, J.-P., Lim, Y. D., Seit, W. W., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2021). RF Performance Benchmarking of TSV Integrated Surface Electrode Ion Trap for Quantum Computing. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 11(11), 1856–1863.
  7. Zhao, P., Lim, Y. D., Li, H. Y., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2021). Advanced 3D Integration Technologies in Various Quantum Computing Devices. IEEE OPEN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY, 2, 101–110.
  8. Zhao, P., Likforman, J.-P., Li, H. Y.,Tao, J., Henner, T., Lim, Y. D., Seit, W. W., Tan, C. S., &  Guidoni, L. (2021). TSV-integrated Surface Electrode Ion Trap for Scalable Quantum Information Processing. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 118(), 124003.



  1. Apriyana, A. A. A., Li, H., Zhao, P., Tao, J., Lim, Y. D., Lin, Y., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2020). Design and Development of Single-Qubit Ion Trap on Glass and Si Substrates With RF Analysis and Performance Benchmarking. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 10(7), 1221–1231.
  2. Fabre, N., Belhassen, J., Minneci, A., Felicetti, S., Keller, A., Amanti, M., I., Baboux, F., Coudreau, T., Ducci, S., & Milman, P. (2020). Producing a delocalized frequency-time Schrodinger-cat-like state with Hong-Ou-Mandel interferometry. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 102(2).
  3. Fabre, N., Keller, A., & Milman, P. (2020). Wigner distribution on a double-cylinder phase space for studying quantum error-correction protocols. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 102(2).
  4. Fabre, N., Maltese, G., Appas, F., Felicetti, S., Ketterer, A., Keller, A., Coudreau, T., Baboux, F., Amanti, M., I., Ducci, S., & Milman, P. (2020). Generation of a time-frequency grid state with integrated biphoton frequency combs. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 102(1).
  5. Felicetti, S., & Le Boite, A. (2020). Universal Spectral Features of Ultrastrongly Coupled Systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 124(4).
  6. Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Viennot, D., Saideh, I., Hansen, T., Pullerits, T., & Keller, A. (2020). Adiabatic elimination and subspace evolution of open quantum systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 101(4).
  7. Francesconi, S., Baboux, F., Raymond, A., Fabre, N., Boucher, G., Lemaitre, A., Milman, P., Amanti, M., I., & Ducci, S. (2020). Engineering two-photon wavefunction and exchange statistics in a semiconductor chip. OPTICA, 7(4), 316–322.
  8. Garbe, L., Bina, M., Keller, A., Paris, M. G. A., & Felicetti, S. (2020). Critical Quantum Metrology with a Finite-Component Quantum Phase Transition. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 124(12).
  9. Garbe, L., Wade, P., Minganti, F., Shammah, N., Felicetti, S., & Nori, F. (2020). Dissipation-induced bistability in the two-photon Dicke model. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 10(1).
  10. Maltese, G., Amanti, M. I., Appas, F., Sinnl, G., Lemaitre, A., Milman, P., Baboux, F., & Ducci, S. (2020). Generation and symmetry control of quantum frequency combs. NPJ QUANTUM INFORMATION, 6(1).
  11. Massé, G., Coudreau, T., Keller, A., & Milman, P. (2020). Implementable hybrid entanglement witness. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 102(6).
  12. Saideh, I., Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Nous, C., Pullerits, T., & Keller, A. (2020). Projection-based adiabatic elimination of bipartite open quantum systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 102(3).
  13. Tao, J., Li, H. Y., Lim, Y. D., Zhao, P., Apriyana, A. A., Guidoni, L., & Tan, C. S. (2020). Surface-Electrode Ion Trap With Ground Structures for Minimizing the Dielectric Loss in the Si Substrate. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMPONENTS PACKAGING AND MANUFACTURING TECHNOLOGY, 10(4), 679–685.



  1. Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., Felicetti, S., Hansen, T., Pullerits, T., & Keller, A. (2019).
  2. Classification of dark states in multilevel dissipative systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 99(5).
  3. Garbe, L., Felicetti, S., Milman, P., Coudreau, T., & Keller, A. (2019). Metrological advantage at finite temperature for Gaussian phase estimation. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 99(4).
  4. Tugaye, V., Likforman, J.-P., Guibal, S., & Guidoni, L. (2019). Absolute single-ion thermometry. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 99(2).



  1. Baboux, F., De Bernardis, D., Goblot, V., Gladilin, V. N., Gomez, C., Galopin, E., Le Gratiet, L., Lemaitre, A., Sagnes, I., Carusotto, I., Wouters, M., Amo, A., & Bloch, J. (2018). Unstable and stable regimes of polariton condensation. OPTICA, 5(10), 1163–1170.
  2. Belhassen, J., Baboux, F., Yao, Q., Amanti, M., Favero, I., Lemaitre, A., Kolthammer, W. S., Walmsley, I. A., & Ducci, S. (2018). On-chip III-V monolithic integration of heralded single photon sources and beamsplitters. APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS, 112(7).
  3. Felicetti, S., Rossatto, D. Z., Rico, E., Solano, E., & Forn-Diaz, P. (2018). Two-photon quantum Rabi model with superconducting circuits. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 97(1).
  4. Felicetti, Simone, Hwang, M.-J., & Le Boite, A. (2018). Ultrastrong-coupling regime of nondipolar light-matter interactions. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 98(5).
  5. Finkelstein-Shapiro, D., & Keller, A. (2018). Ubiquity of Beutler-Fano profiles: From scattering to dissipative processes. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 97(2).
  6. Gil-Santos, E., Baker, C., Lemaitre, A., Ducci, S., Gomez, C., Leo, G., & Favero, I. (2018). Scalable high-precision tuning of photonic resonators by resonant cavity-enhanced photoelectrochemical etching (vol 8, 14267, 2017). NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 9.
  7. Houver, S., Lebreton, A., Mottaghizadeh, A., Amanti, M., Sirtori, C., Beaudoin, G., Sagnes, I., Parillaud, O., Colombell, R., Mangeney, J., Ferreira, R., Tignon, J., & Dhillont, S. S. (2018). Multi-Terahertz Sideband Generation on an Optical Telecom Carrier with a Quantum Cascade Laser. ACS PHOTONICS, 5(3), 890–896.
  8. Ketterer, A., Laversanne-Finot, A., & Aolita, L. (2018). Continuous-variable supraquantum nonlocality. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 97(1).
  9. Maltese, G., Halioua, Y., Lemaitre, A., Gomez-Carbonell, C., Karimi, E., Banzer, P., & Ducci, S. (2018). Towards an integrated AlGaAs waveguide platform for phase and polarisation shaping. JOURNAL OF OPTICS, 20(5).
  10. Markovic, D., Jezouin, S., Ficheux, Q., Fedortchenko, S., Felicetti, S., Coudreau, T., Milman, P., Leghtas, Z., & Huard, B. (2018). Demonstration of an Effective Ultrastrong Coupling between Two Oscillators. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 121(4).


  1. Baboux, F., Levy, E., Lemaître, A., Gomez, C., Galopin, E., Le Gratiet, L., Sagnes, I., Amo, A., Bloch, J., & Akkermans, E. (2017). Measuring topological invariants from generalized edge states in polaritonic quasicrystals. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 95(16).
  2. Barros, M. R., Ketterer, A., Jimenez Farias, O., & Walborn, S. P. (2017). Free-space entangled quantum carpets. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95(4).
  3. Cai, Y., Roslund, J., Ferrini, G., Arzani, F., Xu, X., Fabre, C., & Treps, N. (2017). Multimode entanglement in reconfigurable graph states using optical frequency combs. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, 8.
  4. Douce, T., Markham, D., Kashefi, E., Diamanti, E., Coudreau, T., Milman, P., van Loock, P., & Ferrini, G. (2017). Continuous-Variable Instantaneous Quantum Computing is Hard to Sample. PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS, 118(7).
  5. Fedortchenko, S., Felicetti, S., Markovic, D., Jezouin, S., Keller, A., Coudreau, T., Huard, B., & Milman, P. (2017). Quantum simulation of ultrastrongly coupled bosonic modes using superconducting circuits. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95(4).
  6. Felicetti, S., Fedortchenko, S., Rossi, R., Jr., Ducci, S., Favero, I., Coudreau, T., & Milman, P. (2017). Quantum communication between remote mechanical resonators. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95(2).
  7. Felicetti, Simone, Rico, E., Sabin, C., Ockenfels, T., Koch, J., Leder, M., Grossert, C., Weitz, M., & Solano, E. (2017). Quantum Rabi model in the Brillouin zone with ultracold atoms. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95(1).
  8. Garbe, L., Egusquiza, I. L., Solano, E., Ciuti, C., Coudreau, T., Milman, P., & Felicetti, S. (2017). Superradiant phase transition in the ultrastrong-coupling regime of the two-photon Dicke model. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 95(5).
  9. Garcia-Alvarez, L., Felicetti, S., Rico, E., Solano, E., & Sabin, C. (2017). Entanglement of superconducting qubits via acceleration radiation. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, 7.
  10. Karimi, S., Baboux, F., Perez, F., Ullrich, C. A., Karczewski, G., & Wojtowicz, T. (2017). Spin precession and spin waves in a chiral electron gas: Beyond Larmor’s theorem. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, 96(4).
  11. Laversanne-Finot, A., Ketterer, A., Barros, M. R., Walborn, S. P., Coudreau, T., Keller, A., & Milman, P. (2017). General conditions for maximal violation of non-contextuality in discrete and continuous variables. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS A-MATHEMATICAL AND THEORETICAL, 50(15).
  12. Moreira, S., Adesso, G., Correa, L. A., Coudreau, T., Keller, A., & Milman, P. (2017). Connecting measurement invasiveness to optimal metrological scenarios. PHYSICAL REVIEW A, 96(1).
  13. Orieux, A., Versteegh, M. A. M., Jons, K. D., & Ducci, S. (2017). Semiconductor devices for entangled photon pair generation: a review. REPORTS ON PROGRESS IN PHYSICS, 80(7).
  14. St-Jean, M. R., Amanti, M. I., Bismuto, A., Beck, M., Faist, J., & Sirtori, C. (2017). Mode stabilization in quantum cascade lasers via an intra-cavity cascaded nonlinearity. OPTICS EXPRESS, 25(3), 1847–1855.
  15. Wang, F., Nong, H., Fobbe, T., Pistore, V., Houver, S., Markmann, S., Jukam, N., Amanti, M., Sirtori, C., Moumdji, S., Colombelli, R., Li, L., Linfield, E., Davies, G., Mangeney, J., Tignon, J., & Dhillon, S. (2017b). Short Terahertz Pulse Generation from a Dispersion Compensated Modelocked Semiconductor Laser. LASER & PHOTONICS REVIEWS, 11(4).
  16. Mottaghizadeh, Alireza, Gacemi, D., Laffaille, P., Li, H., Amanti, M., Sirtori, C., Santarelli, G., Hznsel, W., Holzwart, R., Li, L. H., Linfield, E. H., & Barbieri, S. (2017). 5-ps-long terahertz pulses from an active-mode-locked quantum cascade laser. OPTICA, 4(1), 168–171.